The Public Houses of the Corvedale

No-one knows who it was that named them, but the pubs of the Corvedale are all named after heavenly bodies (or is it the other way around?).

The Sun
Our nearest star! It's big and hot! The earth would fit inside it 1,300,000 times. The outer surface is 6,000 degrees C. and energy generated in the Sun's core takes a million years to reach its surface. It appears to have been active for 4.6 billion years and has enough fuel to go on for another five billion years or so. We hope. NEVER EVER LOOK AT IT through telescopes/binocs/magnifying lenses etc. as the energy will burn a hole in the back of your eye, straight through your brain, and out of the back of your head. Leastways you will definitely go blind.

All the planets of our solar system orbit around the Sun, and we derive all our energy from it, via the wonders of photosynthesis, the heating of the atmosphere, and through radioactive elements that were left when the earth was formed out of the ether many years ago. It gives us sun tans and skin cancer, solar panel heating and snowdrops. It was used for navigating at sea for centuries, and it lends us our concept of time, seasons, and years. In the Corvedale we don't always see it, but we know it's there, and we wouldn't want spoil ourselves by having too much of a good thing.

The Swan
Cygnus, a beautiful constellation, looks like a swan flying across the night sky. Its head is Albireo, which is two stars very close to each other, coloured gold and blue.
The Crown
Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown, sits just behind the head of Bootes the Herdsman, and Gemma (or Alphecca to give it its arabic name) is the brightest jewel in the crown.
The Seven Stars
The Pleiades, Hen and Chickens, Seven Sisters, or Subaru (in Japanese). The prettiest collection in the winter sky. This is an Open Cluster of newish stars, formed only 100 million years ago, making them a fiftieth of the age of our sun. The light that you can see was created 425 years ago, when Galileo was celebrating his 16th birthday.
